Jan 12, 2009

My confession

I confess, I am an organization freak. I could wander for hours through the organization sections of Home Depot dreaming of the things I could do if I had the money and I turn into a drooling, lust crazed freak when I get to Dollarama and find a whole aisle dedicated to containers of various kinds. It is impossible for me to turn away an offer of a bookshelf or a container of any kind. I am constantly on the search for new and better ways to organize my life.

This may explain why when my house starts to feel, cluttered, disorganized, and messy, I get aggravated. I get to developing a twitch and I want to, no NEED to get it organized.

I have a wish list of things I want. Nowhere on the list are shoes, jewelry, books, makeup or anything of that sort. (At least not on the list of thing I am going to spend money on) Instead I have a list of things that I want that will help me organize. Some I can share here just off the top of my head:
  1. I want this to put next to my desk to contain all those little piles that Prince Charming has scattered everywhere. With this and my new filing cabinet I will finally have some sense to my office area. Aaah that is the dream anyway.
  2. I want this to contain the garbage at my house between garbage days. It would make things oh so much simpler
  3. I want two of these to pile up in my coat closet. I want one for every person in my family and then an extra for extra bookbags and such.
  4. I want at least one of these, or probaby two to organize the mess of shoes in my coat closet. I would buy the contained ones, but I know that I would be doomed to be the only one who uses it at that point. (I probably am anyway but at least then I would have somewhere to put things.
  5. I want baskets like these to put Prince Charmings things in the bedroom in. He isn't good at dressers and drawers. Things end up piled on the floor whenever he goes searching but a shelf with clothes on it and some baskets to contain his unmentionables does the trick just fine.
  6. And finally (for this list anyway) I want an expandable silverware organizer. I want my silverware drawer not to look junky and unorganized.


Lily of the Valley said...

The expandable silverware organizer is cool! Never seen anything like it.

Haasiegirl said...

my wish is for someone else to come do it for me!!


Anonymous said...

I want one of those home make over shows to come and completely re-organize my house. Then, I want one of those make over shows to make me over, new wardrobe - whip me into shape, the whole nine yards! Then I need Nanny 911! *LOL* ...and then to wake up.

By the way, I love your background!!

Anonymous said...

Okay, those white shelve are simple to make yourself. We went out this weekend looking to purchase some. They are expensive. We ended up buying 3 pieces of MDF and screws for less than 30.00 and there's enought to make at least 4.

Anonymous said...

Also, I purchased a 4 tier white shoe stand. Similar to the picture. It holds 12 pairs of shoes for 8.50. It's a special this week.

Anonymous said...

You sound just like me! *lol*
