Feb 13, 2009

I am a horrible mommy!

OH no! I just realized I am a horrible mother. I forgot to send her valentines in with her. My poor girl will be the only girl with no Valentines to share and she will be sad and it will be all my fault. I want to sit on the floor and cry. My poor girl!

UPDATE: I am so relieved! I was able to call a taxi company and get them delivered to the school for her over her lunch break. I can take a deep breath now, it will be okay.


Julie said...

Aw, is there anyway you can bring some to her? I know you know this...you are not a horrible mommy, just busy! I hope that she handles it well. *hugs*

Dale & Brennan said...

I agree - you are just too busy. Maybe she will be so excited about receiving the cards that she won't be that bummed about not passing any out.

Tasha said...

Had them delivered...Awww, what a good mommy you are.

The Bumbles said...

I bet that cab driver had a nice story back home at the end of the day about how he/she got to play Superman/woman for a super mom.

Anonymous said...

I did the same exact thing. The teacher sent the list home (to make them ahead of time). I looked at the list last week and didn't get it, duh, why would a need a list of names.
So the other moms are dropping of their kids with treats for the teachers and other kids, I had to jump in my car and run to the grocery store, and then fill them out in the classroom. Oh well, there's always next year.
