Apr 2, 2009

Homework trick

With Princess Belle's ADHD homework has always been a little stressful. Last weekend, I decided just because it was given to us in school didn't mean I had to treat it like school. So I made a game out of it. Keeping in mind that three of her biggest issues were getting intimidated by large amounts of work, keeping her attention, and keeping her motivated. I came up with an idea where I divide her homework up into stations. A small amount of her work is at each station. When she is done with all the stations, she wins the game and she gets a prize. So far she has gotten to listen to some songs that she likes on youtube and she has gone to some kids sites on the computer. I have other ideas as well, but for now, she is enjoying the computer time as she doesn't usually get to go on the computer.

The change has been amazing. She is excited to do her homework, she comes to me every few minutes from the time she gets home from school asking if I am ready for her to do her homework yet. The first station involves her reading a book to me, so we sit on the couch all comfy and she reads the book. She does it amazingly well! Then she goes through the rest of the stations in record speed with wonderful accuracy. We are done in no time and we are both happy and relaxed at the end. I am so glad that I came up with this idea.


GioMitchTrev said...

What a great idea! My lil ones are still too young for homework...thank goodness...I am not looking forward to that. Hope you have a good day!

CrAzY Working Mom said...

What a wonderful idea! I might have to try this with my son. Shelby does really well with homework and concentration and such. She LOVES it, but Tyler is a whole different story. I can hardly get him to sit still and he doesn't do so well with more than one task at a time. This sounds like a perfect idea for him!!!

Thanks for sharing. :)

Camille Dangerfield said...

Wow! That's a wonderful idea.
