Apr 8, 2010


I am enjoying homeschooling lately. I love that I have relaxed about it. Whenever I start to get stressed about making sure she gets enough done, I remind myself that she did nothing at all in public school for three entire months. And we are getting stuff done every day so given that and dealing with her Autism, I am happy with whatever I am doing, and it is more than she would be doing in public school. I don't know if that makes sense in writing but it does in this sleep-deprived addled brain of mine and it makes me feel better and relax. As a result, she is relaxed too. I let her move around if she needs to, as long as she works to. She paces while she reads out loud to me, she moves from place to place doing her work. But she does it. And, we are actually having fun with school. We hardly ever have any issues at all. I am proud of her and the progress she is making. We did school outside yesterday and she loved that. It was fun. Princess Magpie was down for a nap and so I put Princess Snifflefritz in a stroller and outside we went.

On a sidenote, I am even more sleep-deprived than usual right now. Prince Charming had to go into St. John's for family reasons and I am a single mom of three for a while. Mostly it is going fine. I have some good girls. But the three of them are determined to make sure I don't get too much sleep. LOL

Note: ignore the boxes in the background, we were cleaning the boxes from our move out of our shed.


Twyla said...

You are doing the best thing for your daughter and she is learning, so that is all that matters. Good for you! :-)

Julie said...

Sounds like things are going well in homeschool land... I'm glad. :)

