May 25, 2010


I am struggling today. I am feeling down. My weightloss is a bust at this point. I am right where I started. I get woken up 3 or 4 times a night every night and then I get woken up every day at 7 or 7:30 am. Princess Snifflefritz has gotten really clingy and wants to be in my arms all the time, she only naps for about 15 minutes at a time and wants to be in my arms again. I can't get anything done, because she needs me. Princess Magpie has noticed and she has gotten a bit more clingy too because she is feeling a bit jealous. I am having troubles getting at our schooling with the two of them needing me all the time too. In the last little while, I have lost my husband's uncle, my grandmother and now my uncle is dying within the next few days. I am feeling weepy and tired and overwhelmed and sad. There just isn't enough of me today.

I normally don't share this stuff here, but today, I just needed to share.


Jacqueline said...

((hugs)) Everyone has those days at times. Don't sweat it. Things will get better.

Twyla said...

Sorry you are feeling overwhelmed. Just remember that you are not alone and that there are people out here, who are thinking of you. *hugs*

Notsosnowwhite said...

just know that i am there for you.. sorry that all the stuff is happening to you all at want..that scuks.... remembr i am only a phone call a way
