Feb 3, 2011

Old things

I love old things. I love old books, old quilts, old linens and fabrics, old jars, all sorts of things. They speak to my soul of a sense of history and a feeling of being connected to the past. Over time, a little at a time, I am picking up things that speak to me in this way. It doesn't have to be antique, it just has to touch me and remind me of the past. I have old juice jugs on my counter holding utensils. I have old books on the top my bookshelf underneath a picture frame. I am collected old jars to use as canisters.

Recently we emptied a very large jar of pickles that someone had given us. When it was emptied, I washed it out and I was so excited to see how amazing it looked to me. I just reminded me of those old jugs that I used to see. So, even though it isn't old, I washed it out to use as a canister for noodles in my kitchen. You can't tell but it is almost as tall as my 12 cup coffee perk, so it really is quite large. Here are some pics of it:


Happy Elf Mom (Christine) said...


How are you going to get the pickle smell out, though? I love pickles, but don't want my noodles smelling like pickles. I had a mustard jar and I could never get the smell out no matter how many times I washed it.

Twisted Cinderella said...

Where it was a glass jar, I just ran it through our dishwasher and it took the smell right out.

Julie said...

It is pretty! And it's a good idea to use it for storage. :)

