Mar 13, 2011

Sunday Sum-up

Just a lazy day at home with my girls. I made a chicken and pasta dinner for supper that I will share when I have it perfected.

There are some things my girls do that baffle me, such as systematically grinding crackers into the carpet, tearing apart the couch every chance they get and emptying out my linen closet every time I turn my back.

I have been trying to convince Princess Belle to have different idols than these "puppy in a purse-rich blonde bimbo-boy chasing-barbie" types. I would like her to just be the best Princess Belle she can be but she keeps patterning her ideal off characters she sees on television. Prince Charming and talked and we told her we have decided to block some shows from the television. It isn't a punishment, I just don't want her trying to be something other than what she is. So, we have decided that we are limiting her to mostly educational shows and cutting out all the shows aimed at young adults. She is only a little girl. I would like her to stay that way as long as possible and not rush headlong as quickly as she can into adulthood (or at least teenage-hood).

Princess Belle being her best superhero

I have promised her that I will help her to feel pretty by getting her nice skirts (LONG ENOUGH) and letting her hair grow out but layering it so that it doesn't get tangled. We talked about her being a strong girl who has an opinion of her own and isn't afraid to be her own person. I actually would like some stories and movies and things that feature strong women and girls that she can look up to.

I have also been trying to convince Princess Snifflefritz (unsuccessfully) that it doesn't matter if her two year old sister yells at her. She doesn't have to take it to heart and cry. She is convinced that if her sister (who again is TWO and only marginally bigger than she is) yells at her she is in trouble and it breaks her little bitty heart.

1 comment:

Julie said...

So far my girls haven't shown any desire to be like any of the characters on the shows they watch. I'm glad that they are happy with who they are. :)
